Load Ableton’s Glue Compressor onto the Track You Want to Compressĭrag and drop Ableton’s Glue Compressor, found under the Audio Effects tab, onto the track you want to apply compression too. All of the following steps apply in exactly the same way.
If you prefer to use Ableton's Compressor instead, go for it. There are also a limited number of attack, release, and ratio values that you can choose from, which makes dialing in appropriate settings much less intimidating. The reason I'm using Ableton's Glue Compressor instead of Ableton's Compressor is that I like the sound of the Glue Compressor more. This will provide your kick with more space in your mix, and result in a kick that is clean and punchy. I'll be showing you how to sidechain your kick to your bass using Ableton's Glue Compressor.
This means that most sidechain compressors can act as regular compressors, but not all regular compressors can act as sidechain compressors. Many compressors have a sidechain circuit that you're capable of engaging that allows them to act as a sidechain compressor.